Life after trauma: restoring an inner sense of safety & facing fear
I remember the first self-help book I read was when I was 15 years old. It was called "feel the [...]
10 signs you might be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Sensitive people are often perceived by society as delicate, weak or fragile. Someone who gets hurt easily that people [...]
6 ways Highly Sensitive People can step into their personal power
It feels like I have been trying to step into my personal power my whole life. Somewhere along the way [...]
How a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) becomes a lone wolf
I remember being a young boy, before I knew I was HSP, and always feeling different from other people. I [...]
The 5 best things about being a gay man
Growing up I spent so much time and energy trying to hide who I was because I bought into [...]
10 ways my life changed after one year of no alcohol
I am very open about the fact that I struggled with a crack addiction growing up and have been [...]
What I learned from having trust issues in my relationships
Are you someone who struggles to trust in relationships? I have always been the type of person who sees [...]
How to reclaim yourself from the grips of codependency
Do you easily lose yourself in relationships and make the other person your whole world? I want to share [...]
16 ways to live empowered as a woman
Have you ever wondered why some women are empowered by their gender while others struggle with feelings of inferiority [...]
6 ways to care less about what people think of you
Are you someone who holds back and dims your light because you are afraid of what others think of [...]